Creating Chia plots using Bladebit on Akash Platform

Praveen Chaudhary
4 min readMar 20, 2022

Today, we are going to learn : -

  • Creating wallet on chia software.
  • Creating wallet and certificate on Akashlytics.
  • Writing SDL for the deployment.
  • Deploying.
  • Monitoring Logs.
  • Checking plots on persistence storage.
  • Closing the deployment.

Creating a wallet on chia software: -

Install chia from the official page and if you need any help, you can check out the instruction on GitHub also.

Once the chia software is installed. Create or Import a wallet.

Once the wallet is loaded. We require farmer key to make plots. Open the terminal and move to this directory.

root@VivoBook:~$ cd /usr/lib/chia-blockchain/resources/app.asar.unpacked/daemon

Use the following command to get the farmer key: -

root@VivoBook:~$./chia keys show

Sample Output: -

Chia Farmer key

Copy and save the output, which we will need later.

Creating wallet and certificate on Akashlytics : -

Install the Akashlytics tool. You have the option to create or import the wallet. Make sure Edgenet is selected.

Create a certificate if you are missing one. Revoke it if needed.

Writing SDL for the deployment: -

For deployment, we require a Stack Definition Language (SDL) which will contain all the necessary information like how many CPU cores, Ram, storage, number of instances, and much more. You can get more information by checking out the Akash official documentation.

version: "2.0"services:
image: cryptoandcoffee/akash-chia:72
- port: 8080
as: 80
proto: tcp
- global: true
mount: /plots
- CONTRACT=xch1x3yzcfpvnv0z0e9rguqpyn90d22n5mfezkzf33yegfnr8pxnpwkqmzcgkc
- PLOTTER=blade
units: 10
size: 420Gi
- size: 1Gi
- name: data
size: 512Gi
persistent: true
class: beta3
denom: uakt
amount: 100000
profile: chia
count: 1

Make sure to replace “FARMERKEY” with your key obtained in the first step.

Let's deep dive into the SDL : -

  • Service Section: In this section, we define our app configuration like port, docker image, env, and args. We are using the CryptoAndFriends Docker image “Akash-chia”. The important thing to note here is that we have mentioned the mounted storage as /plots.
  • Profile Section : It contains all the specs of your deployment machine like Ram, Storage, CPU Cores, and Cost. Here we have defined the 420 Gb Ram and 512 Gb storage because we are using BladeBit.
  • Deployment Section : It contains how many instances of your application we require.

BladeBit Plotter : Fast Chia (XCH) RAM-only k32-only Plotter which is highly efficient and reliable.

Deploying chia plot : -

On the Akashlytics homepage, click on “Create Deployment”.

Akash Deployment Page

Check if everything is fine or not. If you are finding some issues. It might be due to the wrong steps being followed.

Click on “Continue” button.

Select the “From a file” option and choose the file, we had made previously.

Verify your SDL file before preceding next.

Once everything is fine, Click on Create Deployment button.

From the list of bidders, select one bid which suits you and click on Accept Bid.

Once the lease is created. Your deployment will start.

Monitoring Logs

Click on Logs to monitor the deployment.

Wait for 60 seconds, then it will start copying and downloading the required files.

Logs will look like this once the plotting chart starts.

Checking plots on persistence storage: -

Scroll down to the deployment page and click on the port exposed to open the plotter manager.

Once the chart is successfully generated, you can see in the plotter manager. It takes approx 5–10 minutes to move the chart to persistence storage in the plotter manager.

Plot Manager

Closing the deployment: -

Once you are done with the plotting, you can close the deployment whenever you wish too.

Summary : -

We learned how to create wallets on Chia and Akash, writing SDL, selecting bids, monitoring logs and closing deployment.



Praveen Chaudhary

SDE at India Today| Rust🦀 and Python🐍 enthusiast | Full stack developer | API & App developer| Performance & Acceptance Tester