Persistence Storage on Akash Network

Praveen Chaudhary
2 min readMar 11, 2022

What is a persistence storage?

It is a storage that retains data even after the power source is removed. It is often referred as the non-volatile memory.

Why we need persistence storage?

Managing storage is a distinct problem from managing your compute resources, persistent storage can help protect critical data from addiction while reducing the chance of data loss. For example, you are working on important data and don't want to lose at any cost, then you are most likely is to use the persistence storage.

What's special about Akash Persistence Storage?

Akash persistent storage allows deployment data to persist through the lifetime of a lease. The provider creates a volume on disk that is mounted into the deployment. This functionality closely mimics typical container persistent storage.

Persistence Resource on Akash?

It provides three types of source class :-

| Class Name | Throughput/Approx matching device|

| beta1 | → HDD|
| beta2 | →SSD |
| beta3 |→ NVMe|
| default | →Provider defined default class|

Persistent Storage Limitations on Akash

  1. When we update the deployment file, a new lease is created everytime.
  2. It will result in migration of your application from current provider to another.
  3. Once the lease is closed, the data is lost even if you open the lease on same provider again.



Praveen Chaudhary

SDE at India Today| Rust🦀 and Python🐍 enthusiast | Full stack developer | API & App developer| Performance & Acceptance Tester